

All information on the website is provided on an 'as is' basis, without warranty or guarantee of any kind, express or implied.


Most articles and reports on India Together are authored by a team of freelance journalists, domain experts and development practitioners. We make regular arrangements with writers only after a trial period where we assess writers for the quality of research, information and reasoning. We make every effort to ensure accuracy and veracity of sources. Also, a small but sizeable proportion of material has its origin in our engagement with non-profit development groups, government officials and educational institutions. If you find any of the material to be in error, do contact us, and we will make every effort to address your concern. Our citizen reporting initiative, Citizen Direct, has its own disclaimer, listing clarifications in addition to those appearing on this page. For more, click here.


  1. A significant portion of the material in India Together is opinion. These are the views of their authors, and do not necessarily represent the policies or positions of the organisations they work for. Opinions on these pages are also not the views of the editors of India Together, or of this publication; our own views are published as 'editorials'; the editors may also write opinion pieces under their individual names.

  2. We welcome alternate opinions. If you are a writer with expertise in an area and should you have opinions contrary to the material we publish, please feel free to send them to us.

  3. Policy statements, appeals for resources, etc., which are obtained from other organizations will be explicitly identified by inclusion of the organisations' names as the authors.


The criteria by which we select and display banner advertisements from other organisations are listed here. These are not necessarily the sole bases on which our decisions will be made in response to requests for advertising and other space on the site. In addition, we reserve the right to reject any messages or advertisements whose appearance in India Together will, in our judgement, not be in the best interests of this publication. We further reserve the right to do so without providing the reasons for our decision, except to ombudsmen and media-watch organisations. Also, the inclusion of advertisements and messages from other organisations on India Together does not constitute endorsement of such organisations, or their products and/or services, by us.

We welcome your input to making this public-interest initiative a better one.